Friday 27 August 2010

Car of the week...

After the sweet, shiny, modified Mk1 of last week, I thought we'd better have something aircooled and something a little less familiar to the v-dub scene.

Ladies and Gents, I give you the first WTF of the week...
Thanks to the 3-spline gangstas over at Panscrapers for the pics.

Answers on a postcard to: WTF of the week......

Saturday 21 August 2010

Car of the week...

To get some regular interest going on the blog, I'm going to start a new mini-feature; 'Car of the week'.

This could be anything, not necessarily v-dub, air-cooled, watercooled etc. it could be anything that turns us on here at JC Motors.

So here we go:

Startin' you off with a good old em-kay-one :)